When Santa fell to earth


"Als der Weihnachtsmann vom Himmel fiel"
Feature Film
Skywalker. 3D-Performer-Flight
Production: Bavaria Filmverleih- und Produktions GmbH
Director: Oliver Dieckmann
Cast: Jessica Schwarz, Christine Urspruch, Charly Hübner, Volker Lechtenbrink
Location: Germany (MMC Studios, Cologne)
IMDb Credit
Scanline, the world-famous VFX Company ("300", "Poseidon") prepared Maya scripted flight-paths that were imported into the Skywalker System via 'Autodesk 3Ds Max'. That way the Skywalker System could exactly track the pre-shot backplates while flying the actors in front of the greenscreen. In addition to the 'normal' 3D-flight-paths the actors were rotated around their horizontal axis.